Friday, February 12, 2010

Are Your Trying To Decide Which Air Compressor Inflator To Buy?

Are you trying to decide between an air compressor or an inflator?

Would you like an air compressor inflator that's cheap or fast?

Portable air compressor and inflators both have the same function, but they have significant differences.


Inflators are not very powerful machines but they are excellent at filling sports balls, beach balls, and toys. Moreover, they don't cost very much.

However, inflators don't fill anything very quickly. They don't have the power to to fill large objects quickly nor anything that needs a lot of pressure.

You can use an inflator to fill a car tire, but it could take as long as 20 minutes to fill the tire to the recommended pressure.

Portable Air Compressors

The alternative is a small air compressor which has more power but also cost more.

If you're in a hurry to fill something, then you have to use a portable air compressor instead of an inflator. You'll be glad to have the extra power of the small air compressor and won't have to wait so long to fill large objects.

On top of that, portable air compressors have ample power to use for small air tools, such as nailers, staplers, and air brush kits.


How to choose the proper power supply for your air compressor inflator

Inflators come in a wide varity of styles and models.

You can find an air compressor inflator with safety lights, built-in vacuums or even jumper cables.

It's nice to have all of these extra accessories, but you can't overlook the really important issue which is: what is the power source?

For example, how would you like to have a 120-volt air compressor inflator if you've got a flat tire on a dark highway late at night?

12-Volt Air Compressor Inflator

There are some very inexpensive air compressor inflators that can plug directly into the cigarette lighter in your car. So, if you're concerned about your car tires losing air, then it's easy enough to put a 12-volt inflator in your glove box or trunk.

These 12-volt air compressor inflators are perfect for inflating objects when you're away from home and don't have access to 120 volt electricity. You can blow up beach balls and sports balls while sitting in your car.

120-Volt Air Compressor Inflators

If you're going to be using an air compressor inflator mostly at home, then it makes sense to get a 120-volt inflator. These obviously plug directly into your normal household electrical outlets, which you probably have plenty.

The 120-volt air compressor inflator is certainly more powerful than the 12-volt inflator. Obviously they are capable and have to power to inflate objects much faster and to higher pressures.

Cordless Air Compressor Inflators

A cordless air compressor inflator has the best advantages of both types. The rechargeable batteries mean that the inflator can be used anywhere and you're not bound to finding an electrical outlet.

In addition, most of the cordless air compressor inflator have both a 12-volt and a 120-volt adapters. This means that you can get the batteries recharged whether you are at home or on the road.

Portable Air Compressors

Small portable air compressor inflators are the best for small projects around the house.

A small portable air compressor inflator is a great and handy tool to have around the house.

In addition to inflating toys and tires, they also have enough power to operate some air tools.

The point here is this means "some" air tools.

Most portable air compressor inflators are capable of operating short burst tools like an air brush or nailers.

Do not expect to do major house building projects or do a lot of work on your old car restoration. These units quite simply do not have the power, size, nor strength to provide ample power to air tools that need continuous power.

If you want to run an impact wrench, grinder, sandblaster or sander, you'll need to get a bigger air compressor inflator designed for "in the garage" use.